Following an information that appeared in the public spaceregarding non-conformities of some food products made available to patients, to Institutetuof Clinic Fundeni, from the capital, National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) carried out a control action at the economy operatorc SC Hiper Ambrozia SRL, the supplier of these products.
For deviations from the legislation in force found by ANPC commissioners, during checks, the following sanctions were applied:
The irregularities identified were next:
- failure to observe the storage temperature - caccording toțETARA, the ingredients used in the manufacture of the productavthey, in turn, the mention on the packaging: "to be stored in a dry and cool place, preferably in the refrigerator", and when measuring with the supplied thermometer it turned out that they were stored at temperatures of 27,2 degrees Celsius
- the use of non-compliant containers for storing some of the ingredients, in which they are located impurities and pieces of plastic material;
- carrying out the activity in improper technical and hygienic-sanitary conditions: the depreciated pavement, with chips, cover the systemui of ventilation loaded with dust and grăsime; improperly insulated pipes; the ceiling with damaged areas, broken, with holes, with infiltrations; unhygienic pipes, with a thick layer of dust, rust and fat; uninsulated cables; stained side walls,with exfoliated plasteră
- the use of an oven room with a thick layer of burnt fat (pe pearsțlateral ii, tubing)
- the use of some baking trays with a thick layer of burnt fatand some shuttles not properly sanitized, with dust layer and torn labels.
We mention that ANPC will continue the verification actions of suppliers of food products and services of hospitals in Romania.