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Announcements Oltenia Region

The Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South - West Oltenia Region (Craiova), organizes at the institution's headquarters in Bd. Gh. Chitu, no. 58, Craiova, recruitment competition for the indefinite occupation of a vacant public executive position

The Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South - West Oltenia Region (Craiova), organizes at the institution's headquarters in Bd. Gh. Chitu, no. 58, Craiova, recruitment competition for the indefinite occupation of a vacant public executive position ANNOUNCEMENT chief commissioner competition - CERU department 22.04.2024 - GDPR amendment INFORMATION regarding the processing of personal data [...]

The Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South - West Oltenia Region (Craiova), organizes at the institution's headquarters in Bd. Gh. Chitu, no. 58, Craiova, recruitment competition for the indefinite occupation of a vacant public executive position

The Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South - West Oltenia Region (Craiova), organizes at the institution's headquarters in Bd. Gh. Chitu, no. 58, Craiova, recruitment contest for the indefinite occupation of a vacant public execution position GDPR INFORMATION regarding the processing of personal data ANPC candidates Annex 2-Certificate model (5) form of […]

Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South-West Region Oltenia (Craiova) Organizes recruitment competition

Regional Commissariat for Consumer Protection South - West Oltenia Region (Craiova), in accordance with the provisions of art. VII of GEO no. 115/2023 – paragraph (2) letter a) and art. VII paragraph. (7)/XI/XII of GEO 121/2023 for the amendment and completion of the Administrative Code, organizes at the institution's headquarters in Bd. Gh. Chitu, no. 58, Craiova, recruitment competition for the occupation of [...]

Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest

Schedule: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 | Friday: 08:00 – 14:00

Copyright © 2024 | National Authority for Consumer Protection

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