Draft Decision for the amendment and completion of Government Decision no. 700/2012 regarding the organization and functioning of the National Authority for Consumer Protection Proposals and observations can be sent between 04.12.2023 – 14.12.2023 to the email address secretariat@anpc.ro BASIC NOTE AND draft HG mod 700 Annex no. 2 subordinate entities Annex no. 1 organizational structure
We present to you the remarkable initiative in the field of household powder laundry detergents, which aims to reduce the impact on the environment. Our authority proposes to support the voluntary initiative PREP P RO – Product Resource Efficiency Project (PREP-P3) together with AISE and RUCODEM, which aims to reduce the use of chemical substances in detergents [...]
On 21.03.2023, the Bucharest Court, VIIth Civil Section (Bucharest Court, VIIth Section, Civil Matters), accepted the opening of the general insolvency procedure of Blue Air Aviation SA (at the request of the company). The court appointed as Judicial Administrator a consortium formed by Infinexa Restructuring SPRL (https://infinexa.ro/contact/) and Mușat – Asociatii – Restructuring\Insolvency [...]
These initiatives complement the measures included in the European Ecological Pact (EEP) and contribute to the fulfillment of its objectives regarding the circular economy by promoting sustainable consumption, respectively through better information for the choice of ecological products and services. These initiatives refer to: 1. The proposal for the Directive on the substantiation and communication of the explicit mention of ecological (Green Claims) [...]
The theme of the Sweep Internet 2022 exercise was to verify the existence of hidden commercial practices - dark patterns, through which merchants influence consumers' purchase decisions. For more information go to: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/ro/ip_23_418
On October 10, a new Food checker mobile application was launched, developed by the European Commission's Joint Research Center to address the issue of dual quality. Food checker is an application available to any type of food consumer that helps to collect as many images of the same brand and products […]
The purpose of this consultation is to gather views and evidence from all relevant stakeholders on the key issues that the initiative aims to address. This consultation takes a high-level approach, focusing on general issues related to the sustainability of the food system. In the context of the "European Green Deal", the European Commission adopted a strategy called […]
European Commission press release Airlines commit to timely reimbursement after flight cancellation Following dialogues with the Commission and national consumer protection authorities, 16 major airlines have committed to providing better information and timely reimbursement passengers in case of flight cancellation. The Commission alerted the authorities [...]
In the Official Journal of the EU, the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union was published on July 6, 2017, on the request for a preliminary decision regarding the interpretation of Article 22 paragraph (1) and Article 23 paragraph (1) of Regulation (EC) no. 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on common rules [...]
The theme of the Sweep Internet 2021 exercise, on misleading reviews, was approved at the meeting of the CPC (Consumer Protection Cooperation) network. This website check, which took place between 26.10 and 26.11.2021, aimed to identify deceptive practices in the collection and presentation of consumer reviews. The Commission's studies have shown that consumers often rely on […]
WhatsApp needs to better inform consumers about the use of their personal data. Today, the European Commission and the network of national consumer protection authorities (CPC) sent a letter to WhatsApp, asking the company to clarify the changes it made in 2021 to its terms and privacy policy and to […]
Guidelines made by the European Commission applicable, starting from May 28, 2022, with the entry into force of the National Normative Act transposing Directive 2161/2019 amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directives 98/6/EC, 2005 /29/CE and 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council in terms of better ensuring compliance [...]
The European Commission has launched a call for contributions, open until 17 January 2022, for comments by interested parties and with the theme Travel - Better protection of passengers and their rights. The Commission will review the regulatory framework for passenger rights, including to [...]
"In accordance with Law 209/2019 on payment services and for the amendment of some normative acts, for your better information regarding the rights you have when making payments in Europe, we provide you with the prospectus of the European Commission on this theme in PDF format and in audio format:" leaflet-your-rights-payments-eu_ro [...]
Law 258/2017 on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, the change of payment accounts and access to payment accounts with basic services, aims to address three main aspects of access to basic payment accounts; transparency and comparability of fees related to payment accounts and changing bank accounts. According to the legislation, resident consumers […]
Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest
Schedule: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 | Friday: 08:00 – 14:00