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The Commissionerate for Consumer Protection of the Municipality of Bucharest (CPCMB) carried out a verification action, on 17.01.2023, at the Elmali Association / Mini Club DUMBO KIDS (after school), in sector 2 of the Capital.

The control, carried out as part of the Academy of Commissioners program - which aims to specialize through dedicated thematic actions, the youngest commissioners of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) - was carried out as a result of a notification received from one of the parents of the children enrolled in the club . Following the detected irregularities, the CPCMB commissioners applied several sanctions, as follows:

  • contravention fines in the amount of 22.000 lei
  • the definitive stop from the use of non-compliant food products
  • temporary stoppage of activity until deficiencies are remedied
  • proposal for definitive closure of the unit.

"We cannot accept condemning children to risks that are difficult to assess, when parents want or are forced to leave their little ones in the care of others.
For all the findings, we have notified the police and we will also file a criminal complaint.
Father Horia Constantinescu is speaking to you now, not the commissioner or the president of the National Authority for Consumer Protection:
I don't think there is, today, a sanction or sentence that can do enough justice in such a situation.
I am waiting for your messages on WhatsApp, at 0745999111, with pictures or any other details, not to file complaints, but to inform me about similar situations!" – Horia Constantinescu, ANPC president.

The deviations from the legislation in force recorded by the control team were:

- the operation of the food block without a sanitary-veterinary authorization for the performance of the public food activity within the After School
- the use, as raw materials, of food products with an expired consumption date
- the use of unsanitized and damaged refrigerating units, with rust at the base of the refrigerator, with depreciated cracks, with accumulations of impurities
- the storage, in the same cold space, of various food products: dairy products, eggs, sausages, without a physical delimitation of them
- running the activity in a damaged or unhygienic space. the ceiling with areas of dampness, with exfoliation of the paint, the dirty floor in the area of ​​the food preparation benches, with broken areas, with accumulations of impurities
- lack of an area for washing dishes and crockery
- lack of an area for preliminary preparation of raw materials
- storage of containers with food products directly on the floor, in the area where the culinary activity is carried out, alongside other containers with leftover food
- the use of some food products, which had mold colonies inside the container
- using unprofessional kitchen utensils
- the location of the dining room in the same space where teaching activities are carried out
- carrying out the teaching activity in a damaged and unhygienic space: with radiators with impurities, with rust, with a ceiling with black areas, with moisture, in the space there is a pungent smell, with the traffic area of ​​the unit dirty, with chips on the pavement and wooden stairs, with depreciation.

Following the findings, during the control action, the CPCMB notified the Economic Crime Investigation Service of sector 2, within the General Directorate of the Bucharest City Police.

Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest

Schedule: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 | Friday: 08:00 – 14:00

Copyright © 2023 | National Authority for Consumer Protection

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