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Food Products Legislation



1. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
2. Law no. 363/2007 on combating unfair practices of traders in the relationship with consumers and harmonizing regulations with European legislation on consumer protection
3. Decision no. 947/2000 regarding the method of indicating the prices of products offered to consumers for sale
4. Decision no. 530/2001 for the approval of the Legal Metrology Instructions IML 8-01 Prepackaging of products according to mass or volume
5. Law no. 150/2004 regarding the safety of food and animal feed
6. Order 45 /2012 regarding the market control of nutritional and health claims written on food products
7. Decision no. 723/2011 regarding the establishment of the legal framework necessary for the application of Regulation (EC) no. 1.924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 20, 2006 regarding nutritional and health claims on food products
8. Order no. 65/2013 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the issuance of classification certificates of tourist reception structures with accommodation and public catering functions, of tourism licenses and patents
9. Order no. 772/2005 for the approval of the Norm on the Rapid Alert System for food and feed
10. Ordinance no. 2/2001 regarding the legal regime of contraventions


  1. Decision no. 106/2002 on food labeling
  2. Order no. 1505/2006 regarding the repeal of some normative acts for the purpose of direct application of the regulations and community decisions
  3. Order no. 295/2002 for the approval of the Norms on food additives intended for use in food products for human consumption


  1. Order no. 1271/2006 for the approval of the Norms regarding the marketing of meat products
  2. Order no. 333/2002 for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Norm regarding the production, marketing and use of mechanically separated meat
  3. Order no. 510/2002 for the approval of the Norms for the marketing of fish and other aquatic animals
  4. Order no. 206/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the commercialization of poultry meat
  5. Order no. 494/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the marketing of pork


  1. Order no. 230/2002 for the approval of the Norm regarding the names under which drinking milk is sold and the quality conditions
  2. Order no. 321/2003 for the approval of the Norm regarding the definition, the names under which they are sold, the labeling and the quality conditions of certain varieties of canned, partially or totally dehydrated milk, intended for human consumption
  3. Order 524/ 958/ 8/ 2003 for the approval of the Norm regarding the names under which they are sold and the quality conditions of the spreadable fats intended for commercialization (with the exception of the provisions covered by R 1234/2007)


  1. Law of the vineyard and wine in the system of the common organization of the wine market no. 244/2002
  2. Decision no. 769/2010 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Vine and Wine Law in the system of common organization of the wine market no. 244/2002
  3. Order no. 224/2008 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the conditions for the retail sale of table wine in bulk
  4. Order no. 142/2008 for the approval of the Rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) no. 1.601/1991 regarding the general rules regarding the definition, description and presentation of aromatized wines, aromatized wine-based beverages and aromatized cocktails from wine products
  5. Order no. 1160/2008 for the approval of the Norms regarding the definition, description, presentation and labeling of traditional Romanian drinks
  6. Order no. 147/2005 for the approval of the List containing geographical names protected and recognized in Romania for spirits


  1. Order no. 250/2002 for the approval of the Norm regarding the manufacture, content, packaging, labeling and quality of wheat flour intended for commercialization for human consumption
  2. Emergency ordinance no. 12/2006 for the establishment of market regulation measures in the cereal and processed cereal products sector
  3. Order no. 335/2003 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, content, origin, manufacture, labeling and marking of cocoa and chocolate products intended for human consumption


  1. Order no. 454/917/22/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, content, origin, manufacture, packaging, labeling, marking, preservation and quality of vegetable oils and mayonnaise intended for commercialization for human consumption, modified by Order no. 997/ 495/ 10/ 2003 (with the exception of the provisions covered by R 1234/2007)


  1. Order no. 317/2003 for the approval of the Norms regarding the name, description, definition, characteristics and composition of honey
  2. Order no. 269/2003 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, content, origin, labeling and marking of some sugars intended for human consumption


1. Order no. 420/2008 on establishing the duties of the State Inspection for Technical Control in the Production and Valorization of Vegetables and Fruits


1. Order no. 523/2003 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, content, manufacture and labeling of fruit jams, jellies and marmalades, as well as sweetened chestnut puree, intended for human consumption
2. Order no. 406/2005 regarding the amendment and completion of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forests, of the Minister of Health and Family and of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 359/671/137/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking and storage of vegetable juices
3. Order no. 362/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking and storage of broth and tomato paste
4. Order no. 378/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of table olives
5. Order no. 229/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of preserved mushrooms and products derived from mushrooms
6. Order no. 230/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned tomatoes
7. Order no. 775/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned pineapple
8. Order no. 773/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned green beans
9. Order no. 379/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned carrots
10. Order no. 226/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of preserved cucumbers
11. Order no. 1474/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking, storage and transport of the product Canned green peas
12. Order no. 771/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of the product Rehydrated peas, canned
13. Order no. 778/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned asparagus
14. Order no. 1477/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned peaches
15. Order no. 770/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned apricots
16. Order no. 318/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned plums
17. Order no. 776/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking, storage and transport of the canned raspberry product
18. Order no. 1494/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned fruit mixture
19. Order no. 1496/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned strawberries
20. Order no. 1497/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned pears
21. Order no. 879/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned apple puree
22. Order no. 1595/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned mandarins
23. Order no. 880/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of canned sweet corn


  1. Order no. 969/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen peaches
  2. Order no. 976/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen pod beans
  3. Order no. 973/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen corn
  4. Order no. 972/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen carrots
  5. Order no. 977/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen spinach
  6. Order no. 1749/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking, storage and transport of frozen Brussels sprouts
  7. Order no. 974/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen cauliflower
  8. Order no. 978/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking, storage and transport of frozen fried potatoes
  9. Order no. 1589/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen green peas
  10. Order no. 877/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labelling, marking, storage and transport of frozen Broccoli
  11. Order no. 979/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of frozen blueberries
  12. Order no. 932/2002 for the approval of the Norms regarding the manufacture, transport, storage, marketing and temperature control of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption


  1. Order no. 871/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of dehydrated peaches
  2. Order no. 1585/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of dehydrated onions
  3. Order no. 873/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of raisins
  4. Order no. 872/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of dehydrated mushrooms
  5. Order no. 874/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of dehydrated root vegetables
  6. Order no. 1591/2004 for the approval of the Norm regarding the nature, content, manufacture, quality, packaging, labeling, marking, storage and transport of dehydrated apples


  1. Law no. 458/2002 regarding the quality of drinking water
  2. Decision no. 1020/2005 for the approval of the Technical Norms for exploitation and commercialization of natural mineral waters
  3. Order no. 978/2006 regarding the labeling of bottled natural mineral water used in infant nutrition, in accordance with art. 25 of Government Decision no. 1.020/2005 for the approval of the Technical Norms for exploitation and commercialization of natural mineral waters
  4. Order no. 341/2007 for the approval of hygiene rules and the notification procedure for bottled drinking water, other than natural mineral water or spring water, marketed under the name of table water
  5. Order no. 319/2003 for the approval of the Norms regarding the nature, composition, manufacture and labeling of fruit juices and other similar products intended for human consumption


  1. Decision no. 568/2002 regarding the universal iodization of salt intended for human consumption, animal feed and use in the food industry
  2. Order no. 232/2003 for the approval of the rules regarding the definition, description and presentation of food grade vinegar and acetic acid


  1. Order no. 1069/2007 for the approval of the Norms regarding food supplements
  2. Order no. 1228/2005 for the approval of the Technical Norms regarding the marketing of pre-dosed food supplements of animal and plant origin and/or their mixtures with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
  3. Order no. 244/2005 on the processing, processing and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants used as such, partially processed or processed in the form of pre-dosed food supplements
  4. Law no. 491/2003 regarding medicinal and aromatic plants, as well as beehive products


  1. Decision no. 173/2006 on the traceability and labeling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and animal feed obtained from genetically modified organisms


  1. Order no. 417/2002 for the approval of the Specific Rules regarding the labeling of ecological agro-food products


  1. Order no. 1160/2008 for the approval of the Norms regarding the definition, description, presentation and labeling of traditional Romanian drinks


  1. Order no. 147/2005 for the approval of the List containing geographical names protected and recognized in Romania for spirits


  1. Ordinance no. 99/2000 regarding the marketing of market products and services
  2. Decision no. 348/2004 regarding the exercise of trade in market products and services in some public areas
  3. Decision no. 1267/2010 on the issuance of classification certificates, licenses and tourism patents
  4. Decision no. 843/1999 regarding the classification by type of public catering units not included in tourist reception structures
  5. Order no. 72/2010 regarding some consumer information measures
  6. Order no. 1955/1995 for the approval of the Hygiene Norms regarding the units for the protection, education and training of children and young people
  7. Emergency ordinance no. 96/2002 regarding the provision of dairy and bakery products for students in state and private primary and secondary schools, as well as for preschool children in state and private kindergartens with a normal 4-hour program
  8. Decision no. 714/2008 regarding the update of the daily value limit for dairy and bakery products granted for students in grades I-VIII in state and private education, as well as for preschool children in state and private kindergartens with a normal 4-hour program and for approving the content / of the technical specifications of the specifications for the procedures for awarding contracts for the supply of dairy and bakery products for students and preschoolers
  9. Emergency ordinance no. 24/2010 regarding the implementation of the program to encourage the consumption of fresh fruit in schools
  10. Order no. 243/2012 regarding the provision of fresh fruit in schools
  11. Law no. 123/2008 for a healthy diet in pre-university education units
  12. Order no. 1563/2008 for the approval of the List of foods not recommended for preschoolers and schoolchildren and the principles underlying a healthy diet for children and adolescents
  13. Decision no. 559/2001 regarding some measures for the sale of food and non-food products in tourist resorts
  14. Law no. 349/2002 for preventing and combating the effects of consuming tobacco products
  15. Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
  16. Law no. 457/2004 regarding advertising and sponsorship for tobacco products
  17. Decision no. 128/1994 regarding some measures to ensure the physical and moral development of pupils and students
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