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LAREX Laboratories Directorate

In the structure of the National Authority for Consumer Protection, subordinated to the General Directorate for Market Control and Supervision and European Harmonization, according to GD 275/29.03.2023, the Larex Laboratory Directorate (DL Larex) operates, which includes the Food Products Laboratory (Microbiology Section, Agri-Food Section, Section for Quality Analysis of Wines and Alcoholic Beverages), Instrumental Laboratory, Non-Food Products Laboratory (Textile Section, Petroleum Section). DL Larex fulfills the following duties, according to HG 700 /2012 updated on 21.01.2019:

  • Performs tests necessary to obtain manufacturing licenses for food products;
  • It carries out expertise in order to solve the problems of customs classification, to establish the quality and security parameters for the products to be capitalized by the general directions of public finances, to characterize the products that are the subject of investigations by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other institutions, as well as expertise in litigation cases regarding product parameters;
  • Performs, at the request of natural or legal persons, tests and certifications of products manufactured in the country or imported, under the conditions agreed between the parties, based on tariffs;
  • It carries out, at the request of natural or legal persons, studies and tests regarding packaging materials and product packaging, as well as for other types of products that come into contact with food, based on tariffs;
  • Based on its own data on products that can affect the life, health of consumers or the environment, it proposes regulations regarding the limits of the admissible values ​​of the parameters of these products.

The tests are carried out on the basis of approved rates according to Order no. 311 of July 13, 2020.

In the laboratories of the Larex Laboratory Directorate, you can perform:

  • physical-chemical tests in the field of food products, textile materials, paper, cardboard, packaging, materials that come into contact with food, water, wine, alcoholic beverages, beer, vinegar by gravimetric, volumetric, butyrometric, molecular absorption spectrometric, electrochemical methods , refractometric, potentiometric, polarimetric, liquid chromatography, gas phase chromatography, atomic absorption spectrometry;
  • physical-chemical and instrumental tests in the field of food products;
  • microbiological tests in the field of food products, water, sanitation tests.

Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest

Schedule: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 | Friday: 08:00 – 14:00

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