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General Legislation

General Legislation
  1. Order no. 594/2014 regarding the amendment of the Order of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 72/2010 regarding some consumer information measures
  2. Order no. 505/2014 regarding some consumer information measures by payment service providers that carry out payment operations through ATMs.
  3. Emergency ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts
  4. Order no. 211/2014 for the amendment of annexes no. 1 and 3 to the Order of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 103/2010 regarding the approval of the model and content of the special regime typed forms of the report of the violation and its annex, intended for use in the control activity, and of the model and content of the special regime typed form of the authorization issued by the National Authority for Consumer Protection of natural and legal persons who carry out operations with precious metals and precious stones
  5. Order no. 414/2014 regarding the amendment and completion of the Order of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 392/2013 regarding the establishment of the conditions that must be met by economic operators that sell bakery products on the territory of Romania
  6. Order no. 8/2014 for the amendment of the Order of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 392/2013 regarding the establishment of the conditions that must be met by economic operators that sell bakery products on the territory of Romania
  7. Order no. 392/2013 regarding the establishment of the conditions that must be met by economic operators that sell bakery products on the territory of Romania
  8. Law no. 193/2000 regarding abusive clauses in contracts concluded between professionals and consumers
  9. Law no. 202/2013 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 158/2008 regarding misleading advertising and comparative advertising
  10. Order no. 473/2012 for the amendment of the Order of the President of the National Authority for Consumer Protection no. 72/2010 regarding some consumer information measures
  11. Order 72/2010 regarding some consumer information measures
  12. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
  13. Law no. 449/2003 regarding the sale of products and their associated guarantees
  14. Order no. 164/2011 regarding some consumer information measures by banking and non-banking financial companies
  15. Law no. 252/2003 regarding the single control register
  16. Ordinance no. 38/2015 on the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and merchants
  17. Ordinance no. 37/2015 for the modification of some normative acts in the field of consumer protection
  18. Emergency ordinance no. 52/2016 regarding credit contracts offered to consumers for real estate, as well as for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 50/2010 on credit contracts for consumers
  19. GD no. 677 of September 19, 2016 regarding the establishment of measures for the application of Regulation (EU) 2015/751 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 29, 2015 regarding interbank commissions for card payment transactions
  20. Law no. 151/2015 regarding the insolvency procedure of natural persons
  21. Law no. 258/2017 on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, the change of payment accounts and access to payment accounts with basic services
  22. Prevention Law no. 270/2017
  23. Decision no. 33/2018 regarding the establishment of contraventions that fall under the scope of Prevention Law no. 270/2017, as well as the remedial plan model
  24. Order 1/2017 regarding the documentation and information required for registration, as well as the manner and deadlines for reporting, for debt recovery entities
  25. Order 4/2017 regarding the documentation and information required for registration as well as the method and reporting deadlines for real estate developers
  26. Order 115/2017 regarding the establishment of technical details for the performance of creditworthiness by non-financial creditors
  27. Government Decision no. 419/2017 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of Law no. 151/2015 regarding the insolvency procedure of natural persons - Decision no. 419/2017 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law no. 151/2015 regarding the insolvency procedure of natural persons
  28. Order 768/2017 on the approval of the List containing the reference numbers of the Romanian standards that adopt harmonized European standards regarding the general safety of products under the scope of Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 3, 2001 regarding the general safety of products
  29. Order no. 760/2019 regarding the obligation of economic operators to display on the access door or at the entrance to the location where they carry out their activity/workplace the plaque with the temporary stoppage measures ordered by the control bodies of the National Authority for Consumer Protection
  30. The general procedure for resolving consumer complaints
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