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Non-Food Products Legislation

Non-Food Products Legislation

Precious metal jewelry with or without precious stones

  1. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
  2. Emergency ordinance no. 190/2000 regarding the regime of precious metals and precious stones in Romania 
  3. Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
  4. Law no. 363/2007 on combating unfair practices of traders in the relationship with consumers and harmonizing regulations with European legislation on consumer protection 
  5. Decision no. 1344/2003 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 190/2000 regarding the regime of precious metals and precious stones in Romania, with subsequent amendments and additions
  6. Order no. 264/2008 regarding the approval of the models of certification marks to be applied to objects and jewelry made of precious metals by the National Authority for Consumer Protection 
  7. Order no. 101/2004 for the approval of the conditions for the authorization of the marking operation with the own guarantee mark 
  8. Order no. 102/2004 for the approval of the Technical Norms for the analysis and marking of precious metals and their alloys
  9. Order no. 214/2011 regarding the models of self-guarantee brands and the procedure for establishing and registering them at the National Authority for Consumer Protection 
  10. Order no. 526/2004 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the depositing, handling and storage procedures of precious metals, their alloys and precious stones, considered as stray goods, as well as those seized for confiscation or confiscated under the conditions provided by law, at the State Treasury units
  11. Order no. 1809/2004 for the approval of the special Registry of operations with precious metals, their alloys and precious stones
  12. Order no. 425/2003 on the approval of standard forms of applications for the authorization of natural and legal persons to carry out operations with precious metals and precious stones
  13. Order no. 156/2008 regarding the partial or total waiver of the authorization to carry out operations with precious metals and precious stones

Household refrigerating appliances/household electric lamps/household washing machines

  1. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
  2. Law no. 245/2004 on general product safety
  3. Law no. 449/2003 regarding the sale of products and their associated guarantees
  4. Ordinance no. 20/2010 regarding the establishment of measures for the uniform application of European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for marketing products 
  5. Law no. 240/2004 regarding manufacturers' liability for damages caused by defective products
  6. Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
  7. Law no. 363/2007 on combating unfair practices of traders in the relationship with consumers and harmonizing regulations with European legislation on consumer protection 
  8. Decision no. 457/2003 on ensuring the safety of users of low-voltage electrical equipment 
  9. Decision no. 57/2015 on electromagnetic compatibility
  10. Decision no. 1022/2002 regarding the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, work safety and environmental protection
  11. Decision no. 482/2004 regarding the establishment of the conditions for placing household appliances on the market depending on the level of noise transmitted through the air 
  12. Decision no. 1056/2001 regarding the establishment of requirements related to efficiency and energy labeling for the introduction to the market of household electric lamps
  13. Decision no. 917/2012 regarding the establishment of measures for the application of delegated regulations (EU) of the Commission no. 1.059/2010, no. 1.060/2010, no. 1.061/2010, no. 1.062/2010 and no. 626/2011 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 19, 2010 regarding the indication, through labeling and standard information about the product, of the consumption of energy and other resources of products with energy impact and for the repeal of some normative acts
  14. Decision no. 736/2006 regarding the establishment of requirements regarding labeling and energy efficiency for the introduction to the market of domestic electric tumble dryers 

Footwear/textile products/used textile products
1.     Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
2.     Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
3.     Decision no. 699/2012 regarding the establishment of measures for the application of Regulation (EU) no. 1.007/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of September 27, 2011 regarding the names of textile fibers and the corresponding labeling and marking of the fibrous composition of textile products and repealing Council Directive 73/44/EEC and directives 96/73/EC and 2008/ 121/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council 
4.     Decision no. 26/2002 regarding the establishment of labeling conditions for materials used in the production of the main components of footwear intended for sale to consumers
5.     Law no. 449/2003 regarding the sale of products and their associated guarantees
6.     Law no. 240/2004 regarding manufacturers' liability for damages caused by defective products
7.    Decision no. 163/2007 regarding the introduction to the market, commercialization and free distribution of worn or worn clothing and worn or worn textile articles 
8.     Decision no. 962/2007 for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of free movement of goods

New cars

  1. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
  2. Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
  3. Law no. 245/2004 on general product safety
  4. Law no. 449/2003 regarding the sale of products and their associated guarantees
  5. Law no. 240/2004 regarding manufacturers' liability for damages caused by defective products
  6. Decision no. 1219/2000 regarding some measures to protect the interests of consumers when purchasing auto spare parts, other than those that may affect traffic safety and/or environmental protection 
  7. Decision no. 1022/2002 regarding the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, work safety and environmental protection
  8. Ordinance no. 34/2005 for the amendment and completion of Government Ordinance no. 80/2000 regarding the certification or homologation of equipment, spare parts and operating materials used in road vehicles, as well as the conditions for their sale and use 
  9. Government Ordinance no. 80/2000 regarding the certification or homologation of equipment, spare parts and operating materials used in road vehicles, as well as the conditions for their sale and use 
  10. Order no. 2135/2005 for the approval of the Regulations regarding the approval and certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles, as well as the conditions for their introduction to the market - RNTR 4 
  11. Order no. 211/2003 for the approval of the Regulations regarding the type approval and issuance of the identity card of road vehicles, as well as the type approval of the products used in them - RNTR 2


LPG cylinders
1.     Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
2.     Law no. 148/2000 on advertising

4.     Decision no. 1408/2008 regarding the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous substances
5.     Order no. 349/2013 regarding the approval of the Technical Prescription PT C3-2012 Cylinders with a capacity of up to 26 liters for liquefied petroleum gases 
Dangerous chemical substances and preparations 
1.     Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
2.     Law no. 148/2000 on advertising

4.     Decision no. 1408/2008 regarding the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous substances
5.     Decision no. 937/2010 on the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous preparations on the market 

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