The rate to this call number will be considered normal rate call according to the originator's network and subscription type
Packages of tourist services
Tourist accommodation services
Real estate services
Civil air transport services
Financial services
Insurance and reinsurance services
Personal hygiene services
Off-premises contracts
Distance contracts
Public postal services
Car washes
Dry cleaners
Beaches, pools, swimming pools
Leisure services
Limited-time real estate ownership contracts (timesharing)
Soldering sales
Water supply and sewerage services
Thermal energy metering
Public electricity supply services
Public lighting services
1. Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection
2. Law no. 148/2000 on advertising
3. Law no. 193/2000 regarding abusive clauses in contracts concluded between merchants and consumers.
4. Law on community services of public utilities no. 51/2006
5. Law no. 230/2006 of the public lighting service
Sanitation services
Electricity supply services
Transport services by sea and inland waterways