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Voluntary Control

Do you need advice?

Voluntary control is an aid offered by the National Authority for Consumer Protection to economic operators operating on the territory of Romania.

The authority offers free consultation according to art. 3 (1) letter w of GD 700/2012 "provides specialist consultancy in the field of consumer protection for economic operators", through the territorial units, respectively the County Commissariats for Consumer Protection.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Completing the form
  2. The CJPC to which the request was addressed will communicate the date of the visit that the team of commissioners will make and the control sheet that will contain the objectives of the verification action

Economic operators in the fields of:

  • food trade
  • provision of services directly related to consumer health.

Following this action, the economic operator who made the request will not be penalized pecuniarily, if the commissioners find non-conformities, but will receive a set of remedial measures through a PVC, within a reasonable period of execution, following that their fulfillment to be verified by ANPC commissioners. Exception – serious cases that may endanger the life, health or safety of consumers.

Contact form

Because our institution cannot promote the actions of one economic operator or another, in order not to be accused of bias, in these cases, it will make public the data and images before and after the control, specifying that, from the ANPC's point of view, the working conditions of the respective operator are compliant or have been brought to normal, according to the legislation in force, in the field.

Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest

Schedule: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 | Friday: 08:00 – 14:00

Copyright © 2024 | National Authority for Consumer Protection

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